
Prof. Gobinda Chowdhury
Professor, Information and Knowledge Management
University of Technology, Sydney

Prof. Kevin Crowston
Syracuse University
School of Information Studies Syracuse, NewYork

Dr. Kamalakar Karlapalem
Intl. Institute of Infm. Tech.

Dr. Ee-Peng Lim
Professor of Information Systems
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University

Dr. Annelise Mark Pejtersan
Centre for Cognitive Systems Eng., Denmark

Prof. Vijay V. Raghavan
Univ of Louisiana, Lafayette

Ms. Waltraut Ritter
Knowledge Enterprises, HK

Prof. Shalini R. Urs
Former Founder Director and Professor
International School of Information Management
University of Mysore, Mysore

Eric F. Van de Velde
Director, Library Information Technology, California Institute of Technology, California, United States.

Prof. Sri Kalyanaraman
Director of Media Effects Laboratory
UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Raghu T. Santanam
301G, Arizona State University, Department of Information Systems, Box 874606 Tempe AZ-85287.

Dr. S. Chandrasekhar
Officiating Director & Chair Professor, IT
FORE School of Management, New Delhi